Stock Photo Enthusiast Sends in Wrong Photos – OMG

Stock Photo Enthusiast Sends in Wrong Photos – OMG

OK not quite, but still…

Recently I submitted 3 stock photos to:

  1. Alamy
  2. iStockphoto
  3. Dreamstime

I had pondered on whether to use iStockphoto or Dreamstime, but I decided both would be the way to go, as well as my best friend, Alamy.

I shot these photos in one afternoon, on the Nex 7 (with stock in mind), and sent them in:

stock photo enthusiast - images submitted

Not the most amazing “stock” orientated photos ever, but still, a step in the right direction.

Here’s the results

1. Alamy accepted all of the images (although I was already an Alamy contributor, so that probably made it easier).

2. iStockphoto rejected those images outright. And that’s good, because I want to be pushed – and do much better stock-wise. I know I can.

What iStockphoto said was motivating:

The photographs provided in your application should be diverse in subject matter, technical ability and should be your best work. Think conceptual, creative and most important think Stock photography. Try to avoid the average eye level push the button perspective of a common subject. Try and impress us, we want to see how you stand out from the crowd.

Some points to take on board for the next shoot:

— Creativity is King.
— Look at what stock photos are popular and how those photos are presented.
— Average is boring. Everyone has a camera now, so you need to impress with originality.
— Spend time and think about the shot before you shoot it.

3. Dreamstime accepted x 1 of those images. Can you guess which one?

So the moral of the story?

Submit your stock photos widely.

Try different subjects.

Keep at it until you break through!

Love all, trust a few, do wrong to no one.”
– William Shakespeare
